It’s All in the Family

With It’s Bout Time Upholstery on your team, you get fabulous results every time. Our experts have been perfecting our art for decades so you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your cushions will come back superbly stuffed, your pillows perfectly plump, and your hardware solidly strong.

This classic living room set is an example of the bread-and-butter of our business. We like to post pictures of creative pieces and showing workmanship, but our most consistent clientele typically come in for a simple sprucing and a fabric change. The photos below show the after view of the couch and one of two chairs (with a bonus baby!).

Blue chair and ottoman

Blue couch with baby

Our customer chose a smart earthy-yet-modern print from the longstanding, traditional fabric company, Kravet. Not only can it withstand the wear and tear that family room sofas tend to get, it comes in a versatile pattern that can withstand intermittent redecorations that our client is known to do.

Come by the shop during business hours and browse our extensive selection of fabrics. We know you’ll find the right fit for your family!

Where Style Meets Function

Functional Brown Vinyl Ottoman

Though we didn’t put it in the name of our shop, custom furniture makes up a major part of It’s Bout Time Upholstery’s business. We’ve made countless custom-made pieces, some traditional and some more exotic. It’s just one of the ways we serve the unique desires of our customers. No matter your needs and style, you can always count on us to design and construct furniture with the highest quality materials and finest craftsmanship.

Take this custom-made ottoman for example. Like many Bellevue residents, this family found themselves precariously balancing soda cans and coffee cups on their old tufted ottoman as they settled down to watch television. As you might imagine, spills, near-spills, and the resulting anxiety brought them to It’s Bout Time to order a more functional alternative.

Functional Brown Vinyl Ottoman

This piece serves their purposes perfectly. We included a small table in the middle of the ottoman to house beverages and snacks safely. But just in case of accidents, Kravet vinyl fabric wicks away spills and cleans with a dry towel. Removable pillows can be recovered or replaced at a whim but attach to the body for seamless use as either ottoman or extra seating.

If you are in need of a more practical but stylish television-watching experience, come on by the shop! Because let’s face it. Often, an ottoman is not just an ottoman.

What a Rip!

These barstools were all a rip! Unfortunately, poor fabric choices made these classic backed barstools wear out ahead of their time. Then, to add insult to injury, food and drink messes seeped into the padding, making them a true mess.

To renew them, we started by removing the fabric and damaged padding from the base up. Then we started from scratch. We love the fabric choice our client made. The classis picnic-style red check pattern suits her farmhouse-style kitchen to a T, and the new nailhead detail ties in with the footrests.



We’re happy to report that this time she chose a much higher quality fabric that will stand up to the onslaughts of all eight of her grandchildren! But for any time she wants to be extra careful—or even if she’s just in a different mood—she ordered additional slip covers (with matching welt) that can be placed on top of her reupholstered barstools.

Get in touch with Judee at It’s Bout Time Upholstery to talk about what we can do to make your kitchen more livable today!

Meet Our Holistic Workmanship

At It’s Bout Time Upholstery, we look at each piece of furniture holistically. We go beyond fabrics to understand the mechanics, the use and the look of each item we work on individually. We deliver the ideal balance of comfort, style and color for your unique item each time.

Any eye could see that the nineties-patterned fabric on this chair was washed out. But do you see the wear on the wood arms as well? Do you see the slight sag at the front of the seat? Our detailed technicians are able to restore your furniture even as we update it.



Not only did this simple wood-framed sitting chair receive a new Asian-inspired floral look, it also got new springs, fresh padding, and a new wood stain to complete the restoration process.

Bring your dated furniture to It’s Bout Time for a revamp and let us show you how we can bring your piece into perfect balance today.

A Good Strength Training Routine

Do you ever feel like this tired, sagging (even a bit green under the gills) sofa? Sure, you can pull yourself together from time to time, but it doesn’t take long before you revert to your old, comforting ways.

It happens to the best of us, and it happens to the best of our couches too.



When our new client brought us this tired, worn out gem, we were able to revamp its energy and elongate its life the way a good strength training program can tighten and energize a worn out person! No one was going for “flashy” here; just solid, dependable, perky and inviting.

Contact It’s Bout Time Upholstery to learn about our furniture rejuvenation expertise. Our furniture rebuilding and reupholstering services can breathe new life into your worn sofas the way we did with this one.

Leather and Cowhide

Look at these sad, worn, torn, legless chairs! They were in worse shape than your average Goodwill donation, but they had one thing going for them: they were loved. Okay, they had two things going for them: 1) they were loved; and 2) they belonged to an owner who knew about the value of reupholstering worn out chairs.



A longtime customer, Pam brought us these chairs years after she intended to. She just didn’t know what to do with them all that time! We are glad she brought them in because we had covered our showroom in swatches and trims before the story was entirely out of her mouth.

And look at them now! The genuine leather seats and true cowhide sides and pillows come together at a solid nailhead base and sit atop understated wood legs. Now everyone in Pam’s family knows just what to do with these chairs.

No matter what shape your furniture is in, we can turn them into true, usable works of art. Get in touch to find out what we can do for you.

It’s Just So Comfortable!

It’s a little embarrassing. Like that threadbare t-shirt from college, you know it’s old and maybe even a little bit stinky. But you just can’t say goodbye.

Blue Recliner

We are talking, of course, about the recliner. Maybe it used to be grandpa’s. Maybe you are grandpa and you’re proud that it’s an original La-Z-Boy circa 1948. Whatever the particulars, the truth remains: it’s just too comfortable to get rid of. You’ve relied on it for decades, and you’re not ready to take the risk of getting a new one.

It’s Bout Time Upholstery knows your pain. Bring your old recliner in to us and we’ll restore it without sacrificing it’s unique look and feel. We’ll help you update or find a fabric to match the original. And you can tell us how much more spring, cushion, sway, perk or rock you’re after.

Let It’s Bout Time Upholstery make your old recliner new again (with new-chair smell and everything)! Call Judee to make an appointment and you’ll be laying low on your restored, reupholstered recliner before the chill of deep fall makes it an integral part of your every day once again.

A New Take On Shabby Chic

Shabby Chic Flourish Armchairs

Shabby Chic Flourish Armchairs

These shabby chic armchairs used to grace the be-laced room of our customers’ young daughter. Once they decided to update her room, they moved these chairs to the family room, where they now provide additional seating around an overstuffed leather couch and stately accent bench.

At first they wanted “anything but pink.” We helped them talk through the look they were going for and, in the end, we thought their fabric choice was simply divine! Adding an almost nautical looking flourish pattern to the more traditional lines of the shabby chic chair frame brought a delightful juxtaposition to her otherwise conventional furniture. Notice how the fabric lines highlight the swirls in the delicate wood carving even while they add a completely different feel to the set. We finished it off with a professional double welt and matching arm pads, and sent them home happy.

We don’t know which customers are happiest in this situation: the daughter, who’s room is now black and gold, or her parents, who made the great choice to reupholster instead of starting from scratch. What do you think?

Perfect Purple Tufts

Purple Tufted Club Chairs

Purple Tufted Club Chairs

The thing about this particular shade of purple is that it’s perfect for summer. And autumn. And winter. And spring. We restored and reupholstered this pair of round-backed club chairs for a customer as part of her summer home updating. But we couldn’t help but point out that this simple dusty purple pairs with bold, light-filled hues for summer, darker greens and oranges in fall, subdued blues and whites in winter, and bright bursts of yellow and electric green when spring rolls around.

When you are ready to restore or reupholster your furniture, bring it to It’s Bout Time Upholstery in Bellevue. We’ll give it new life both structurally and aesthetically. Give us a call and let our decades of experience guide you in creating a unique and flexible style in your home.